
about music­from­the­12th­floor.com

musicfromthe12thfloor.com is an independent platform to release the music of martin schütz in digital high resolution 48kHz/24bit-quality or high quality mp3 (your choice) ready for download. every digital album comes with a pdf- booklet with credits, liner notes and art-work that relates to the music you’re hearing. which means you are getting a real virtual album that you can store on your computer or external hard drive in whichever way you like to archive your music digitally.

i don’t think music should be given away for free. there is a lot of work, time and money in every album. for anything else we are willing to pay: for the food, the apartment, the hairdresser, the train or the bus. we’re paying for the drink in a bar, the meal in a restaurant. we’re paying for books, art, films etc. so why should music be for free? For me this is one of the mysteries of our times…

the price I’m asking for is really low: you get a whole album for the same amount you are willing to pay for two coffees and a croissant which is still a lot cheaper than a movie ticket. You know, I’m just saying…